Radius: 1000 km
Center Coordinates: (x:0, y:0 z:0)
VanillaRadius: 120 km
Center Coordinates: X:-1129033.5 Y:126871.5 Z:1293873.5
Gravity: 1g
Oxygen: High
Temperature: Warm
Weather: Varied
Colonies of Agaris (Azuris, Carcosa, Sunset City)
Goldo Corperation
Free Agaris Forces
Interstellar Trade Corp.
Shivan Syndicate
Desert Raiders
Radius: 50 km
Center Coordinates: X:-1084751.5 Y:304036.5 Z:1664005.5
Gravity: 0.25g
Oxygen: None
Temperature: Freeze
Weather: None
Radius: 120 km
Center Coordinates: X:-1307059.5 Y:-325291.5 Z:-1466477.5
Gravity: 1.2g
Oxygen: Low
Temperature: Inferno
Weather: Sandstorm, Marsstorm, ElectircStorm
Goldo Corperation
Radius: 50 km
Center Coordinates: X:-1249083.5 Y:-521370.5 Z:-1803753.5
Gravity: 0.8g
Oxygen: Low
Temperature: Cold
Weather: Fog
Shivan Syndicate
The Iron Fist
** You can find Spice Fields in the Yellow biome. See top image
Radius: 100 km
Center Coordinates: X:1404449.5 Y:-83492.5 Z:-109853.5
Gravity: 1g
Oxygen: High
Temperature: Cold
Weather: Fog,Rain,Snow
Interstellar Trade Corp.
Radius: 63 km
Center Coordinates: X:1449429.5 Y:-622819.5 Z:-2854387.5
Gravity: 1g
Oxygen: Low
Temperature: Cold
Weather: Fog,Salt,Red, Snow
** You can find Crystal in the purple biome. See top image
Coordinates: x="1038559" y="-34.97" z="-246288.89"